The project goal of the North Platte River Watershed Project - Segment 2 was to restore designated uses on the North Platte River and its tributaries by 2024 through implementing recommended best management practices (BMPs) from the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL). The Natrona County Conservation District partnered with irrigators, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), and the Casper Alcova Irrigation District (CAID) to complete seventeen (17) irrigation projects and install fifty (50) best management practices (BMPs) during Segment 2. These completed projects included the conversion of 513 acres of flood irrigated cropland to sprinkler irrigation and the installation of 14,501 feet of pipeline conveyance to eliminate 25,844 feet of earthen laterals and ditches.
The NCCD monitored BMP effectiveness at sixteen (16) sites on the North Platte River and its tributaries through their comprehensive water-quality sampling program and estimated selenium (Se) load reductions for completed BMP projects during Segment 2. The BMPs implemented during Segment 2 contributed to further reductions in selenium loading from the Kendrick Watershed, 36.8 miles of the North Platte River is now meeting the state's selenium standard of 5 ug/L and consequently was removed from the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality's (WDEQ) 303(d) List of Impaired Waters in 2018.