Natrona County Conservation District

"Locally-led Conservation of Water, Soil & Natural Resources"

Natrona County Conservation District
5880 Enterprise Drive, Suite 100
Casper, WY  82609
307-261-5436, Ext. 4

Past & Present NCCD Projects

Central Wyoming Fairgrounds Project


Under the leadership of NCCD; NRCS, Central Wyoming Fairgrounds Staff and Fair Board, Casper College, Natrona County, City of Casper, and Historic Trails RC&D worked together to address the issues and concerns impacting both the fairgrounds and the North Platte River. The project resulted in fairground facilities improvements to eliminate potential migration of nutrient and pathogen contamination to the North Platte River, implementation of Best Management Practices (BMP’s) for animal waste and a comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan. (There are more pictures and information on their WEBSITE.)


Click the logo on the right for an aerial photo of the Fairgrounds.






Bio-solids Project


NCCD is also working with Natural Resources Conservation Service, City of Casper, and local farmers and ranchers to monitor and evaluate the outcomes of a joint bio-solids project.





Sage Grouse Habitat Initiative


The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Wyoming Game and Fish Department (WGF) have teamed up with the Bates Hole/Shirley Basin Sage Grouse Local Working Group, University of Wyoming, Natural Resources Conservation Service, NCCD and local land owners on a joint venture to examine sage grouse distribution and seasonal habitat preferences. The project is focused on sage grouse populations in western Natrona County, between State Highway 20-26 and Poison Spider Road.


Click the picture on the right for a large Sage Grouse photo.


Now in its third year, the project seeks to determine which habitat areas are used by sage-grouse for breeding, nesting, brood rearing, and wintering. Landowners in the study area are encouraged to incorporate rest rotation or deferred rotation into their current grazing system, develop alternative water sources, install escape ramps on water sources, install wildlife friendly fencing near leks, and improve riparian herbaceous cover along streams and creeks.


Click the links on the right for more information.







Russian Olive Removal Project


NCCD, along with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Natrona County Weed & Pest, Historic Trails RC&D, Wyoming Game and Fish and the Farm Services Agency hosted educational workshops on the control and proper removal of Russian Olive Trees. The workshops featured a demonstration of how to properly remove the trees, discussed chemicals available for follow-up treatment, and options for replanting native trees, shrubs and grasses if needed.